Peace & Happiness You've worked hard for this win, invested the sweat equity to make this dream a reality. Something for everyone.Larry - Glad you like it. - Napoleon Bonaparte "Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down." I like the write ups you made on Don't Stop Believin and Another one Bites the dust. - Louis L'Amour, American novelist "Victory belongs to the most persevering."

VICTORY | BEST EPIC MUSIC OF 2017 (Famous Artists - Part 5)
This 2014 song recognizes what it feels like to reach the success you've longed for.Having gone from zero to hero, the protagonist feels great to be alive:Perhaps you're a powerbroker businesswoman who just landed a multi-million dollar contract.

Thanks for this second batch. The Chariot of Fire theme song still lights my fire.teaches12345 - Glad you found some of your favorites and hopefully discovered some new ones, too! Now go enjoy yourself!This 2014 song celebrates the triumph and sheer giddiness you feel when you finally achieve a hard-fought goal.

Toss in a bit of Journey, the Rocky theme, and Another One Bites the Dust and I'm a happy gal. I never thought this would be my niche but I love doing these.Henna - Thank you so much for your kind encouragement! AND SEAL! The price of victory is high but so are the rewards." Hope you have a lot to celebrate in life!Genna - Didn't mean to call you Henna. Thanks for stopping by!Most of the songs you have selected are my favorites !!! Success will follow.Wouldn't you like to wake up feeling like this one day? Now that he is an up-and-coming singer, he's rubbing her face in his success. "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah—Meetings This is a shout out to winners everywhere: You're simply the best, …
- Buddha"I never expect to lose. You feel like you're on top of the world, like you've touched the clouds, like you can do The key message in this 1991 song resonates as loud as a firecracker.

"If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride and never quit, you'll be a winner.

Share Have a great week. To provide a better website experience, uses cookies (and other similar technologies) and may collect, process, and share personal data. Kingdom Ministry Vaibhav Shah Audio download options Both of those are terrific songs, and I've added them. Search DOWNLOAD OPTIONS. One of them came out victorious.Spencer, Thanks for the suggestions!

This encouraging 1979 song will leave you pumped up and headed to the The toughest thing about being a champion is staying on top.

“Sing Out Joyfully” to Jehovah—Vocals You deserve it! The list is just perfect.Tina Turner (a class act in every sense of the word), Queen; Journey (Don't Stop Believin is favorite); are among my favorites on this terrific list. Bible Study Tools It pretty much describes the feeling of, well, winning it all.Also, John Cafferty's "Hearts on Fire" from the Rocky IV soundtrack.Johnisawesome - It's already on the list as #10. You're just wonderful!8) Taylor Swift - Shake It Off (also for Girl Power)11) Aaliyah - Try Again (more about "winning" a relationship)12) Charlie Wilson - In It to Win It (also a little bit of breaking free from other people's racism and stereotypes)13) Breaking Benjamin - I Will Not Bow (survival theme, as well)21) Pete Murray - Always a Winner (more as an encouragment from partner)1) Sia - Unstoppable (maybe for Girl Power as well)7) Ricky Martin - The Cup of Life / La Copa de la Vida13) Saliva - Go Big or Go Home (also Survival theme)Victor Payne - Thank you for your comment. !James H Hitt - Thank you for the suggestions. "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah—Meetings Books & Brochures

Please, do me a favour and put songs together that has messages of two people challenging each other and at the end their was a victory. Online Library

Legal Developments CRUSH! It's appropriate no matter what achievement or happy event you're commemorating. This 1980 song is a great way to do it, emphasizing that they're one in a string of opponents who has faced you and lost. HubPagesCopyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners.As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. - Beth Brooke"Whenever you see a successful person, you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them." You've been dreaming of this amazing moment since you were a child, and now you're here.It's been a long way up, so just smile and enjoy the view while you listen to this energizing 2012 song. Thank you for the suggestion. )What song is about how the journey is better than success?There is a 2009 song by India Arie called "A Beautiful Day." H. Jackson Brown, Jr., American author"Show class, have pride, and display character. Audio download options Share

Celebrate your victory your way.

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