He was the commander of the 62nd Army which saw heavy combat during the Battle of Stalingrad. In the fighting from 1919 to 1920 he received two awards of the He left his regiment in 1921 to continue his studies at the In December 1940, Chuikov was appointed the chief Soviet military representative to the He placed his command posts on the west bank of the Volga and stayed there throughout the battle. Vasily Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov (12 February 1900 – 18 March 1982) was a Soviet military officer.

Marshal Vasily I. Chuikov, who led his troops in the defense of Stalingrad that turned the fortunes of Hitler's army, died Thursday at the age of 82, his family said today. ''The distance between trenches is 20 to 100 meters.

He first came under fire in the city of Tsaritsyn, which was to become Stalingrad, and within a year won a commission as a regimental commander and became a member of the Communist Party. He Attended Eisenhower RitesGeneral Chuikov eventually became a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. He did not spare quantity or quality.
They’d say to their comrades who had brought them out: I don’t want to go. Chuikov remained in Germany as part of the occupation force until 1953. The tanks would move through, and we’d leave them to our artillery, which was two to three hundred meters back from the front lines and would fire when they came within twenty to fifty meters.

I may not be able to send one of my commanders any reinforcements, but it’s enough for me to grab the phone and say the right thing, that’s all he needs.It was at Stalingrad that Chuikov developed the important tactic of "hugging the enemy", by which Soviet soldiers kept the German army so close to them as to minimize the airpower enjoyed by the Wehrmacht. By mid-November, German forces had taken most of the city and pinned Chuikov and the remaining defenders in several small pockets against the Volga River. Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov (12 February 1900 – 18 March 1982) was a Soviet military officer.

The most criminal, most dangerous thing for a commander, especially a senior commander, is when you lose control and communications.

I would yell 'I’m still here' and send a telegram: 'One step back and I’ll shoot you! During the Battle of Berlin, Chuikov still commanded the 62nd Army (renamed 8th Guards Army for all their achievements), a part of Marshal Georgi Zhukov's - with whom he is NOT to be confused - 1st Belorussian Front. The Man of Iron Will, The Stone (both in real life) In interviews in 1943, Chuikov said he was not informed of the Operation Uranus counter-offensive but could sense one was being planned. ''General Chuikov said he believed that ''nowhere in this war have there been such bloody hand-to-hand combats.'' • Soviet epic war film The Battle of Stalingrad (1949), played by Nikolay Simonov

He Accepted German SurrenderOn May 1, 1945, General Chuikov accepted the German surrender in Berlin. Born into a peasant family in the village of Serebryanye Prudy in the Tula region south of Moscow, he was the eighth of twelve children and the fifth of eight sons. While the Berlin garrison surrendered on 2 May 1945 in real life, the parallel universe depicts Chuikov's forces besieging the Bunker for several years now. It was not, he said, ''the kind of fight we study at the military academies where enemies meet, engage in battle and then separate. The infantrymen would get in a trench, ravine, or building, and start shooting the enemy infantry who were advancing behind the tanks. The men understood this. 'The determination that Chuikov instilled in his men enabled the 62nd Army to defend the city against all odds. Better to be buried here. It was a battle for life or death.

In October 1918, Chuikov saw active service when he was sent to the Southern Front as a deputy company commander to fight against the Chuikov's record of service during the Civil War was distinguished.

In October 1918, Chuikov saw active service when he was sent to the Southern Front as a deputy company commander to fight against the Chuikov's record of service during the Civil War was distinguished. März 1982) war ein sowjetischer Militäroffizier. We were being given less and less help.

He was portrayed by a Russian actor Aleksandr Slastin. He left his village and went to work in a nearby town as an apprentice to a mechanic when he was 12 years old.

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