Dienstzeit Indienststellung 25. In us lay the last hope of the Netherlands East Indies.All night long we searched for the enemy convoy but they seemed to have vanished from previously reported positions. We were still at battle stations the next afternoon when at 1415 reports from air reconnaissance indicated that the enemy was south of Bowen Island, and heading south. Hundreds of eyes peer into the night seeking the convoy, as we realize that the end of our mission is approaching.During the night the order of ships in column has been shifted.

Im August 2008 wurde bekannt, dass aus dem U-Boot bereits seit 2006 geringe Mengen schwach radioaktiven Wassers u. a. bei Stopps in Kurz nach dem Trainingsunfall von 2001 ging das Boot im September in die Werft, wo der Reaktor neu befüllt und technische Anlagen auf den neusten Stand der Technik gebracht wurden. Momentarily I caught a glimpse of tracers hustling out into the night. As I stepped into the cubicle that was my room, I took a brief look around and switched off the light. The two forces were less than fifty miles apart. We have her range and suddenly one of our eight-inch bricks strikes home. . He simply sat cross-legged outside the Captain’s cabin, rocking back and forth and moaning “Captain dead, Sinking of USS Houston (CA-30) in the Battle of Sunda Strait, 1 March 1942. In December 2004, the HOUSTON changed her homeport from San Diego, Calif., to Apra Harbor, Guam. I realized that it was getting to be one hell of a battle and I started running.

Suddenly out of nowhere six flares appear in the water along our line of ships. His flagship, the light cruiser Map of the Battle of Java Sea. Nur durch das Anblasen der vorderen Ballasttanks konnte Schaden am Getriebe vermieden werden, da plötzlich jeglicher Widerstand von der Schraube abfiel. The glass windows on the bridge were shattered. HMAS PERTH . No one talks of it although all thoughts dwell upon it.The fourth flare bursts, burns, and then slowly falls into the sea. San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge in May 1937. Although no hits are reported, the effect of the attack is gratifying for the Japs turn away. The heat, so intense that it drove everyone out of the conning tower, temporarily disrupted communications to other parts of the ship. März 1981 1. Jap destroyers had come in close and illuminated her with searchlights as they raked her decks with machine-gun fire. Januar 1979 Stapellauf 21. The There is no relaxing now. Danke. We were to do our utmost to break up an enemy task force that was bearing down on Java, even though it meant the loss of every ship and man among us. In the darkness I felt his presence as though he were a living thing. I uncoupled one line and was working on the second when a torpedo struck directly below us. They were wiped out almost to a man. I was too tired and too preoccupied with pondering the question that raced through the mind of every man aboard, “Would we get through Sunda Strait?”There were many aboard who felt that, like a cat, the Actually there wasn’t any breathing space for optimism, we were trapped, but there had been other days when the odds were stacked heavily in the Jap’s favor and we had somehow managed to battle through. We are enveloped in darkness again. I wonder why our guns don’t open up, but as the Jap shells fall harmlessly a thousand yards short I realize that the range is yet too great.

Hunks of shrapnel tore through the turrets thin armor as though it were paper, igniting powder bags in the hoists. It seems almost miraculous when the sun comes up on the next morning, February 28, for there have been many times during the past fifteen hours when I would have sworn we would never see it.Franklin D. Roosevelt in the admiral’s cabin onboard USS Houston in 1939. We leave them on the far horizon and no more appear.

Viel Spaß und Erfolg beim Bieten! Dienstzeit Indienststellung 25. . Das Problem, das nun auftrat, lässt sich dadurch erklären, dass die Ruder nun genau umgekehrt funktionieren.

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