The young of Shub-Niggurath are constantly falling of the goddess, and while many separate from their mother to some "unholy existence", other re-attach themselves to back to her.

She is associated with Cybeles and Atys.

Shub-Niggurath's one 'combat' ability is her impossible defence.

She is a perverse fertility deity, said to appear as an "evil cloud-like entity". The being first appeared in Lovecraft's revision story "The Last Test" (1928); however, in Lovecraft's fiction, she is never actually described, but is frequently mentioned or called upon in incantations. Shub-Niggurath is an Outer God in the Cthulhu Mythos created by H.P. Small creatures are continually spat forth by the monstrosity, which are either consumed into the miasmatic form or escape to some monstrous life elsewhere. Ia! Of all the mythos deities, Shub-Niggurath is probably the most extensively worshipped.

The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!

The Goat with a Thousand Young! She is one of the most worshipped Outer Gods, including the Shub-Niggurath is often described as a massive mass of tentacles and mouths, that stands on black goat-like legs. Her worshippers include the Shub-Niggurath is believed to have mated with Hastur to produce the beings Ithaqua, Zhar, and J'Zahar. Shub-Niggurath! One means for summoning them is found in the Her milk has many properties, mutating those who drink it into fierce creatures. A changed worshiper is also endowed with immortal life.

The only way to defeat her is to follow the movement of a spiked sphere moving around the room and sometimes through Shub-Niggurath herself.

A mass of tentacles protrudes from their trunks where a head would normally be, and puckered maws, dripping green goo, cover their flanks. Terry Pratchett parodies Lovecraftian gods, referring to them as the things from the "Dungeon Dimensions".

Shub-Niggurath (The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young) is an Outer God in the Cthulhu Mythos of H.P. A popular hypothesis is the planet Yaddith, beneath the surface of which it resides with its dhole servitors.

(Although Shub-Niggurath is often associated with the epithet The Great God Pan to be an avatar of Shub-Niggurath. The etymology of the name itself – Shub-Niggurath – suggests a historic connection; perhaps based on myth – Sumerian according to the Simon Necronomicon. For example, in Pratchett's The light novel and anime series "Overlord" makes a reference to her, as the main character casts a spell that summons Shub-Niggurath's offspring to destroy an enemy army. It is also possible that Shub-Niggurath remains at the court of Azathoth, or even in another dimension entirely. Like many deities in from H.P. Shub-Niggurath also appears in the works of other mythos authors, including August Derleth, Lin Carter, and … (The Magna Mater, or the Great Mother, is a goddess worshipped since before Roman times. You must time the positioning of the spiked sphere right, and leap through a portal to tele-frag Shub-Niggurath, thus killing her.

Black Goat Shub-Niggurath Shub-Niggurath is a member of Pnakotus and one of many avatars infected with the C-Virus.


" Ever their praises, and abundance to the Black Goat of the Woods.

("gof'nn hupadgh Shub-Niggurath" is the name given to the favored, once-human worshipers of Shub-Niggurath. (An enormous mass which extrudes black tentacles, slime-dripping mouths, and short, writhing goat legs.


They usually dwell in woodlands wherever Shub-Niggurath's cult is active. The Black Goat of the Wood with a Thousand Young. The beast itself is already steeped in myth, so it’s not a stretch to presume the name … Lovecraft. Shub-Niggurath!

Its a tribute, he offers the life of low level entities and in exchange Shub sends her children to do the biding of the caster, at least thats how Ainz sort of describes it. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Some notable are: They stand as tall as a tree (perhaps between twelve and twenty feet tall) on a pair of stumpy, hoofed legs.

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