The fifth risk is “project management,” meaning the incompetence of government leaders Trump has appointed. Trump himself just stared at the tube without saying anything, like a man with a pair of twos whose bluff has been called. And yes, Lewis’s insanely accomplished, motivated and public-spirited civil servants may not always prove representative of the whole.

According to a tally kept by the Partnership For Public Service and Many vacancies have nominees awaiting Senate confirmation, and as of this writing, 153 of these key posts have no nominees whatsoever. Or as Lewis puts it, “It is what you never learned that might have saved you.”Lewis’s interviewees thought a lot about such risks when they worked in the government.
What do we need all those undersecretaries and deputy assistant secretaries for in the first place? Maybe Christie should have taken that offer, because he was fired shortly after the election.So what about all that work by Obama officials hoping to brief the Trump team? “If you want to preserve your personal immunity to the hard problems, it’s better never to really understand those problems,” he writes. FIFTH DISCIPLINE fuses these features into a coherent body of theory and practice, making the whole of an organization more effective than the sum of its parts. Some of the Trump officials who arrived at the State Department, for instance, did not have the security clearances necessary to hear the briefings.

In other words, you want to know if it's going to rain tomorrow? In explaining the rationale for his book, he writes that “there might be no time in the history of the country when it was so interesting to know what was going on inside these bland federal office buildings — because there has been no time when those things might be done ineptly, or not done at all.”Of course, government employees have never been immune to ineptitude. He talks to Kevin Concannon, a former USDA official overseeing all manner of hunger-alleviation programs. So Obama officials spent much of 2016 preparing detailed briefing books and presentations for their successors, whomever they would turn out to be. First, he tells Lewis, was a nuclear-weapons accident (a reminder that the department’s most essential mandate is safeguarding the U.S. nuclear arsenal). The thought that Donald Trump may have been totally unprepared to become president in November 2016 is one that's not new to those who have been following the day-to-day crises and dramas of the Trump White House closely.But a case for this argument is revealingly and startlingly made by Michael Lewis in his fascinating — and at times harrowing — new book For instance, here's the scene Lewis describes in the early morning hours of Nov. 9, 2016, just after Pennsylvania was called, giving Trump enough electoral votes to win the election (Chris Christie, who was the head of the Trump transition effort, sat on a couch):"Mike Pence went to kiss his wife, Karen, and she turned away from him. Nearly two years later, the Trump administration is still lacking some important components. His campaign hadn't even bothered to prepare an acceptance speech. And bring qualified people. (“It wouldn’t necessarily be a nuclear weapon they might deliver” with a missile, MacWilliams explains.
But that’s the point.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Germany increased by 1,390 to 225,404, data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for infectious diseases showed on Tuesday.

"And that has proved problematic. The Fifth Risk meanders a bit, with a few profiles of earnest government workers that are interesting, but then lead us to another earnest government worker. Lewis describes the scene inside the Commerce Department the Monday after the election, where "dozens of civil servants sat all day waiting to deliver briefings" to Trump's transition team about their agencies' role and responsibilities, "that would, in the end, never be heard. Well, buy our app, or subscribe to our forecasts.

. “There is an upside to ignorance, and a downside to knowledge. There's no chief financial officer or undersecretary for public diplomacy, no coordinator for threat reduction programs — and in the foreign service, there are vacancies at U.S. embassies in Ireland, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, South Africa, Pakistan and Turkey, to name a few.That's just one department. "Government may be too big and the bureaucracy too complex, but Lewis delves into its critical missions: to protect us from threats, including nuclear weapons proliferation, devastating tornadoes, and foodborne illnesses; and to efficiently distribute services and benefits to those needing a hand — whether from Federal Emergency Management Agency or food stamps. As Lewis points out, AccuWeather repackages the weather service's own data and sells it to private concerns for a profit. As a candidate, he was irate when he learned that his transition planners were raising funds to pay for staff, according to Lewis. She wouldn't so much as say hello to Trump. "Christie would soon be fired from the transition effort by Trump adviser Steve Bannon; the work he and his team did, ceremoniously dumped into the garbage.

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