Was this review helpful? "Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie" is an anime that packs everything you could ever wish for in a Street Fighter-anime, and it is everything that the movie starring Jean-Claude Van Damme should have been.

Now this is what the live action street fighter should have looked like. It's whether or not the movie delivers on the fight scenes, which are top-notch (especially the tense Vega/Chun Li face-off). I usually don't really care for fighting flicks, but this was so much more. If anyone wanted an alternate source for the title other than the game and the live action movie then this is your great alternative! The movie was great overall and anyone who wants to see a good Martial arts film should see it. The animation is so crisp and clean! 5 out of 10 found this helpful. The drawings were great (manga, what else? Was this review helpful? As covered recently, this is not, in many parts, a great movie! Was this review helpful? 2 out of 2 found this helpful. With the release of SSFIV, Street Fighter sure has been on my mind a lot! Yet I was extreamly impress by this manga film. This Animated version of the Streetfighter story is a zillion times as good. 4 out of 6 found this helpful. 9 out of 12 found this helpful. The prefect adaptation of a popular fighting game franchise. 2 out of 6 found this helpful.

), and combined with the magic touch of manga artists for dramatic scenes and action, this is a PIECE OF FINE ART. Although I could only see the dubbed version, it was still excellent. If movie justice existed, this movie would've been in theatres instead of that disastrous movie version. I haven't played a Street Fighter game in twenty years, so I didn't approach "The Animated Movie" expecting spot-on character treatments, backstories, etc.

Was this review helpful? I was one of the many Street Fighter fans that left the theatre in withered disappointment after seeing the live action movie. Was this review helpful? Was this review helpful? A TV series, live action film, and another video release followed, but none of them matched up to Sugii's object lesson in how to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. 0 out of 0 found this helpful. So I noticed there was a Street Fighter Zero anime movie on netflix instant queue... and it was complete and utter garbage that I had to watch this Street Fighter II movie again to calm down. I imagine that, were I a more devoted fan of the games, I would've given a rip about the story. The fight between fan favourite Chun Li and dangerous pretty-boy Balrog is a masterpiece of high-tension editing worthy of Alfred Hitchcock, so well cut that only when it's over do you realize how little actual violence you saw. I enjoyed every minute of it. 1 out of 2 found this helpful. The songs actually fit with what's going on.

Character expressions aside, I loved the visual style of the movie and the design of the characters was bursting with creativity and effectively brought to life set pieces that captured the backdrops of the video game in the very best way. Was this review helpful? As in all cut versions, short views of the street walking girl were removed and unimportant scenes were cut.

Cheesy dialogue, mild stereotypes So, if you fancy watching an anime where you get to see old favorites such as Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li go head-to-head in explosive battles against villains such as Balrog, Vega and Bison, then this is your movie. I have read that are two versions but I have seen the American version.

This movie should be replaced with that dumb variations that had been made before (with all doe respect to Mr. Van Dam, Ryu still kicks his ass). This movie`s intro, where Ryu fights Sagat, is probably the best intro ever for an anime, and it really makes you expect an extraordinary film, and this movie more than delivers. Everyone with an interest in action-anime will love this, and it is completely perfect for the fans of the videogame-series. Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie (1994) Alternate Versions. Guile arrives and rushes her to the hospital. 2 out of 2 found this helpful.
Well, I must say I LIKED THIS FILM!!! I didn't have high hopes for this one as I have never played the game or liked anime except ninja scroll. Was this review helpful? I loved this movie the first time i saw it as a kid. Just as Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is to the Batman series of movies, Street Fighter II is to Street Fighter, and shows that well-crafted animation blows big-studio fluff away. I think of myself as a fan of the glorious Street Fighter videogames, and especially the original Street Fighter II videogame. 0 out of 0 found this helpful. I really liked the fight between Chun-Li and Vega! Another is near the end when M. Bison, Ryu, and Ken are fighting. Was this review helpful? The fight scenes in this movie are really good. Almost as if to say "we're sorry", Street Fighter II more than makes up for its box-office flop predecessor. Why isn't this movie on digital or blu ray to buy I need it. The characters themselves are portrayed the way they should be and the fights were well drawn. By Kimberly in forum Movie Trailer Music Video games have a really bad track record when it comes to movie adaptions, especially live action, but thankfully anime gives us fans what we want. The main characters are portrayed well, much better than your typical action flick. Was this review helpful? It's clear the creators of this film actually cared and weren't just trying to cash in on the street fighter fandom by half-heartedly throwing together a horrible movie and giving it worldwide theatre release. Worth watching if you're a fan of the series and even if you're not, do watch this film. It's up to U.S. airfighter Guile, Chinese fighting beauty Chun-Li and American martial arts expert Ken to join forces against M. Bison and his empire. That scene was really animated well. Another is a very surprising scene where Chun-Li is taking a shower and then she puts on a night gown type shirt and some underwear and when she fights Vega you see this and even though that this may be uncalled for in an animated feature but I thought it was cute and animated very realistically. It was like this was a real movie.

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