If the prospect of a two-hour Star Wars Holiday Special conjured up visions of "May the force be with you" repeated ad nauseam in your head, this show on CBS was a welcome surprise.

Although Pandora's Box is best left unopened, it's impossible to deny the curiosity impulse.

Cinemark In fact it almost feels like a parody of the franchise overall, mostly due to it's shoddy and camp production value, weird mind-fucking skits and downright terrible scripting that was bad enough for the main cast of the original film to return to. The events and battles of the Galactic Republic's last major war are recounted. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email.

I love Star Wars, but this was the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

By creating an account, you verify that you are at least 13 years of age, and have read and agree to the Comicbook.com While Lucasfilm might wish that Star Wars fans would erase all memory of the The narrative of the special focused on Chewbacca's father, wife, and son all waiting for him to return home for "Life Day" festivities. Cinemark

I might give it some credit for the skits and clips having their moments of almost sparse ironic entertainment mostly associated with the para-cinematic value of Star Wars, eg. Wicket the Ewok and his friends agree to help two shipwrecked human children, Mace and Cindel, on a quest to find their parents. The Star Wars Holiday Special is a work of such baffling insanity that every Star Wars fan deserves to watch it once - but probably only once.

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Re Edited trailer for the 1978 Holiday Special. Jefferson Starship hologram jam band?

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The special, produced by Atomic Cartoons, the LEGO Group, and Lucasfilm Ltd., was inspired by the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. Singing Wookiees wearing Snuggies? | We meet all the familiar characters from Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) and we are introduced to Boba Fett during a short cartoon.

Just be warned that it's worse than you can imagine. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! The Holiday Special isn't just a bad Star Wars movie, it isn't just a bad movie full stop, it basically isn't a movie at all. Small moments and everyday decisions shape a larger heroic saga. While we are waiting, we get a look at the everyday life of a Wookiee family.
Unbearable to watch, it's just amazing how atrocious Star Wars can be in the wrong hands. August 13, 2008 Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. December 20, 2018 With Mickey Morton, Patty Maloney, Paul Gale, Mark Hamill. Although Pandora's Box is best left unopened, it's impossible to deny the curiosity impulse. I don't encourage it on any level (just stay away from it). The adventures of the Ewoks in Wicket W. Warrick's youth before the Battle of Endor. | Was this review helpful to you? June 5, 2016 This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special will reunite Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewie, Rose … December 20, 2018 We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future.Regal March 25, 2020 | Rating: 1/4

Singing Wookiees wearing Snuggies? Yes, it features Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford, but nobody who saw this kitschy TV abomination back in 1978 was surprised that George Lucas wanted it erased from human memory. Boba Fett cartoon and Cantina musical scene.

This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. Your AMC Ticket Confirmation# can be found in your order confirmation email. Whoa, Keanu LEGO and Lucasfilm have announced that The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special will premiere on “Life Day,” November 17, 2020, on Disney+.. After the Republic's victory on Christophsis, Anakin and his new apprentice Ahsoka Tano must rescue the kidnapped son of Jabba the Hutt. | Rating: .5/4 Copyright © Fandango. | Don’t worry, it won’t take long. Chewbacca had apparently been more interested in zipping around the galaxy with Han Solo in the Fans have given up all hope that the special will see any sort of official release, During the scene in which Chewbacca formally introduces himself to Han Solo, audiences only heard the Wookiee speak in his native tongue.

4.9.2018 1:44 AM.

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