Dans la mythologie grecque, Rhéa, ou Rhéia (en grec ancien Ῥέα / Rhéa ou Ῥεία / Rheía), est une Titanide, fille d'Ouranos (le Ciel) et de Gaïa (la Terre), sœur et femme du Titan Cronos, et mère des dieux et déesses Hestia, Déméter, Héra, Hadès, Poséidon et Zeus

You need to encourage independence, allowing children to make mistakes but be available to give care and advice when it's needed.The other shadow Mother is the one that abandons her children or is so busy that she has no time for nurturing her young.Learn about the elemental Goddesses of Earth, Air, Wind and Fire.

She took over most of these responsibilities from her mother Gaia/Gaea. Rhea secretly smuggled her baby Zeus to Crete where the baby was raised by nymphs. But we do know who he parents are. The shadow Mother can also make her children feel guilty about becoming independent and leaving her.Rhea is a Mother Goddess caring for the earth. By using ThoughtCo, you accept ourThe Twelve Olympian Gods and Goddesses of Greek MythologyThe Centaur: Half Human, Half Horse of Greek Mythology

Rhea (also known as Rheia) is an ancient Greek goddess belonging to an earlier generation of deities. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.

Rhea was the Titan Goddess of the Fertility of the earth and women, generation and motherhood.

The name Rhea is not necessarily one which people might connect with Greek mythology; but in antiquity Rhea was an important goddess. Her position as Queen was succeeded by Hera when the Titans were defeated by the Olympians. The Titaness daughter of Uranus (the Sky) and Gaia (the Earth) in Greek mythology.

She had six children from Cronus; Demeter, Hera, The name ‘Rhea’ means flow and ease and some mythology experts suggest that she represented the eternal flow of time (as the wife of Cronus, who was sometimes identified with the time in some literature). Browse through our collection of God pictures, deity pictures at MyGodPictures.com Her name actually means "ease" as "at ease" and therefore this was probably the reason she was interpreted and worshiped as a goddess of comfort and ease. As a daughter of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth), Rhea was a Titan. Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! Her name means "flow" and "ease" relating to her role of the Great Mother where the flow refers to menstrual blood.

Rhea (also known as Rheia) is an ancient Greek goddess belonging to an earlier generation of deities. She had six children from … When it comes to the care of her own children her credentials as a loving mother are less convincing. Her name means "flow" and "ease" relating to her role of the Great Mother where the flow refers to menstrual blood. Her close ties with Cybele, link this Goddess to Spring Festivals held to honour the Great Mother. Cronus took over the reign over the universe by castrating and defeating his father Uranus with the help from his mother Gaia, who did not want her children to be imprisoned by Uranus anymore. This article was most recently revised and updated by

Her consort was her brother Cronus with whom she was told to have … Her consort was her brother Cronus with whom she was told to have reigned during the Golden Age in Greek mythology. The names of the goddesses Rhea and Hera are anagrams of each other, by rearranging the letters you can spell either name. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Gaia, Mother Earth, and Uranus, Sky, created six twins known as the Titans.

Rhea is the goddess of earth, and fertility.

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