Up until then drought conditions had prevailed.In January 1885, the rains came and local stations recorded as much as 43 centimetres (17 in) in a few days.

A bottle containing concrete and an empty brass cartridge case was sunk 2½ feet below every fifth wooden post. Picture: Justin LloydOn Thursday, NSW recorded 12 new cases of COVID-19, while Queensland had two more cases.Speaking to media on Thursday, Chief health officer Dr Jeannette Young says NSW must have 28 days of no community transmission for the border shutdown to be reversed.“The trigger to open the border to NSW is when they have had two incubation periods of no community transmission,” she said.“They had one case so [they] are getting there but if they were to have 28 days of no community transmission, that’s the current definition to open the border.”The target comes just 24 hours after Ms Berejiklian told 2GB radio that the “I’ve tried to establish a positive relationship, but it’s a bit difficult when decisions are made without them even telling us,” she told radio host Ben Fordham.“Can I be absolutely frank? Some exemptions are in place for certain postcodes, however, there is no ban on Queensland residents moving freely into NSW.Queensland will keep its border closed throughout September. "The method used was the exchange of time signals via the electric telegraph. The far western boundary with the Northern Territory is aligned along the There were many proposals for the subdivision of the Australian continent dating back to the 1830s. Queensland Government Gazette, 1859, p. 1.AC Gregory, 'Respecting the Western Boundary of Queensland', Queensland Parliamentary Papers, 1861, p. 3.Letters Patent 1862. Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk likes to present herself as acting tough on border closures, bravely fighting off vested interests and … "The western boundary of Queensland, as at present defined, appears to be the 141st meridian, but it is probable that it was not described in the Letters Patent erecting the Colony, with greater distinctness, expressly with a view to a future adjustment, when more certain information should have been collected as to the natural features of the country. Cameron then erected a The survey of the Queensland – South Australian border was first carried out by South Australian surveyor, The line was marked by mile posts mounded and trenched. These Letters Patent described the additional territory annexed to the Colony of Queensland as:"So much of our Colony of New South Wales as there to the northward of the twenty-sixth parallel of south latitude and between the one hundred and forty first and one hundred and thirty-eighth meridians of east longitude, together with all and every, the adjacent islands, their members and appurtenances in the Gulf of Carpentaria. This was with a view for the formation of another separate colony in that area. Queensland is the north-eastern state of Australia and has land borders with three other Australian states and territories: New South Wales (to the south), South Australia (to the south-west) and Northern Territory (to the west). ""It is now submitted that the 141st meridian passes through the tract of country known as the 'Plains of Promise', and that the eastern shore possesses no harbours. "As white ants were very bad out there, it is quite possible that very few traces remain of our work above ground, but perhaps the bottles of cement we placed at every five miles along our line may prove interesting to scientists of some future generation, should they ever be unearthed. His comments came as Queensland was confirmed as the host of this year's AFL grand final, which will see Brisbane's Gabba with a capacity crowd of 30,000 for the game, despite the border closure. Picture: Dan Peled/NCA NewsWirePremier Gladys Berejiklian says the target set by QLD is a tough one to meet.

The change will allow farmers who own property on both sides of the border and agricultural service providers such as agronomy …
On 12 April 1862, a supplementary commission altering the boundary of Queensland was issued by the British Government. Queensland Government Gazette, 1859, p. 295. "This proposal was accepted by the British Government, provided that the Queensland Government understood that the additional territory west of the 138th meridian could be taken back at a later date. As a result of the two different surveys, Rowland and Roberts defined the border in different positions. To this end he was always looking for suitable new areas and country away from the problems of Sydney and In 1845, Lang visited Moreton Bay and was so impressed that in 1848 he persuaded and personally selected approximately 600 immigrants to come to Moreton Bay, who arrived in Moreton Bay in 1849 on the ships In the years 1847–49, while visiting England, Lang wrote a series of letters to Earl Grey (Secretary of State for the Colonies) recommending that a new colony be created out of New South Wales to the northward of 30 degrees of south latitude. The British Government must have been influenced by Lang’s proposals as in 1851 they passed an Imperial Act, the In 1856, the Secretary of State for the Colonies announced that it was their intention to create a new colony whose southern border line would run not far to the south of 30 degrees south latitude (just south of present day During the next few years strong debate ensued, petitions for and against (from both the "Starting from Cape Danger and following the range of hills which now separate the district of Clarence River from that of Moreton Bay, it should continue along the ridge forming the boundary of the basins of the Richmond and the Clarence until it reaches the Parallel of 29º of south latitude, along which it should continue westward till it reaches the meridian of 141º East…"

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