Until that situation is reached, the idea of an internal market in energy is a political An example of a mirage is when you believe you see water or a ship in the desert when it isn't really there.The definition of a mirage is an optical illusion, something that you believe you see but that isn't really there.YourDictionary definition and usage example. 2. After seeing land, the stranded sailor was happy until he realized the island was a mirage. Example from the Hansard archive. The effect in question is the superior Of course, the solution to all of this - real reform of the common agricultural policy - is nothing more than a

The idea that somehow we can achieve a politically acceptable internal market without considerable social and political protection is a

The most promising direction in which to look for an answer lies in the actual organization of our practices rather than in the Thanks! Achieving the economically exploitable potential need would no more be a mirage.

The mirage is also of daily occurrence. Examples of Infamous in a sentence.

There are always uncertainties about future energy supplies, forecasts can often turn out to be mere mirages, and it is seldom difficult to discover with hindsight what things went wrong. The mirage Hotel was referred to in the movie as "the bloodhouse".

He was sardonic in his youth and the complex images produced by the desire machines bored him; he could not surrender to the mirages. Here it is interesting to note that the described mirages of vessels could only be seen with the aid of a telescope.

Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. But other lawmakers said the effect was more akin to a mirage. He could not support his family on

mirage. His meager allotment of gas had to be saved for emergencies. The best way of self-cultivation is to wipe out the coxcombical 40.

37. The thought of the hotel seemed like the mirage of an oasis, something always just out of reach.

The girl was a mirage, cast up by his troubled mind.

Many long-term solutions have been offered in the past, but each has vanished as a Example from the Hansard archive.

Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Example from the Hansard archive.

He talked about what he described as the Examples of mirage in a sentence: 1.

A mirage is an optical illusion. The coast was socked in with fog this morning, making an inland Southern California heat wave look like a mirage .

There have been persistent rumours, like a kind of continuous Example from the Hansard archive.

-For a moment, he thought he saw an igloo in the middle of the desert, but was mistaken; it was merely a mirage.

Likewise, self-fulfillment for me requires my responding favorably to my life, not a The "break even at all costs" policy is a foolish

Example from the Hansard archive. 3.

Occasionally, mirages could be seen above the water.

click for more sentences of a mirage: 15. He also created mirages to lure people into his lair (said to be a hole in the ground or a cellar), making it appear as a splendid estate.

First impressions are less important and photos taken the day before opening a misleading Example from the Hansard archive. Our honeymoon was two days in Las Vegas at a luxurious hotel called Le 51. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Your feedback will be reviewed. Such mirages, quite common in the polar regions, can produce an appearance fully consistent with the original description, as illustrated by several photographs and a computer simulation. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!41.

Are our democratic principles merely a If one is amongst the 3.25 million unemployed, the rosy part of the picture is a Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the

Mountain climbing is like crossing a desert and imagining mirages.

When this inversion is low (and strong) enough, it causes mirages of the hafgerdingar type.

noun an optical phenomenon, especially in the desert or at sea, by which the image of some object appears displaced above, below, or to one side of its true position as a result of spatial variations of the index of refraction of air. Beyond the mirages that his unquestionable talent puts on display for us, one catches a glimpse of a dramatic process of consciousness.

Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the

He has never been deceived by any shining

Thanks! Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets.Browse our dictionary apps today and ensure you are never again lost for words.

Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the If the athlete does not have great stamina, he will not be able to complete the triathlon.

With distortions of light, and mirages, the most commonplace things can be so changed as to be barely recognisable.

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