This is often viewed as a symbol that you can move from one moment or situation in your spiritual development to the next level. Though this color is associated with spring, this color has another aspect to it; green is also the color of envy.This cool color of divinity stands for peace, tranquility, stability and harmony. where the bright colors of the rainbow attract the children’s attention and promote feelings of laughter and gaiety. The colors of the rainbow all have their own unique beauty. We see these main colors in the rainbow, chakras and auras too. In Amazonian culture, rainbows are associated with less desirable spirits that cause miscarriages and skin disorders.While rainbows have significance as a whole, each color has its own significance.Rainbows are one of the most beautiful phenomena steeped in a deep history that spans all cultures and religions.Wanting to order a print of rainbow picture with back of person with hands raised. A rarer rainbow considered a myth is four (quaternary) rainbows. The seven colors of rainbow are also linked to seven chakra colors, seven day of the week, the colors of the Auras and so on. They are used to drive home various points during television shows and even in art, music and video games, wherein, they are used to symbolize something to come, something of the past or to convey a message. It takes the form of a multicoloured circular arc.Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun. Each color in the human aura has a specific meaning as well as a rainbow color aura. In both Honduras and Nicaragua, people believed that rainbows were a sign of the devil, and it if they looked at a rainbow a curse would be placed on them.

To remember the order of these colors, people use the acronym ROY G. BIV or VIBGYOR which stands for Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet. Consider the formula ‘ROY-G-BIV’, where R stands for red, O for orange and all the way to V for violet. Some Eastern cultures view the inner arc a symbol of their physical world while the outer (upper) arc is the spiritual world and the two are connected by the joining of the arcs. Physical energy; Passion; Aggression; Security; Orange Rainbows can be full circles. Moreover, blue also represents the feeling of melancholy (Monday blues).Indigo is a color that amplifies the energy of blue in a rather intense and deep manner.

See more. This process of waking up to the spiritual realm holds promises of new knowledge and truths.

Every rainbow has seven colors beginning with red and ending with violet or purple. When a ray of light enters a raindrop, it bends and gets separated into its constituent colors. Rainbow is a natural phenomenon that creates a magical effect on the environment. One version tells how fairies placed a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow and commanded leprechauns to safeguard it.

From Biblical to prophecies, rainbows hold quite a few promises and even good luck. Some believe it doubles the meaning of two rainbows. In fact, since the 1970s, rainbows are also a popular symbol with the gay community.

There are some cultures/religions that believe the rainbow represents the elements or the directions of the Earth. Red is the color of the Angel Uriel, who represents Energy. In many cultures rainbows were a sign of luck or a gift from the gods. Some people believe rainbows signify a new beginning. In every culture any given color is representative of something or is used to designate an emotion, tradition and oftentimes institutions or … A rainbow is a colorful unique natural phenomenon that inspires with its beauty. Each has its own different meaning and each invokes feelings and beliefs unique to each of them. For some people on a spiritual path, the appearance of a rainbow can signal a spiritual inner awakening. Why wasn't this page useful?© 2006-2020 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where otherwise noted.

They are frequently shown in children’s shows such as Dora the Explorer, etc.

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