Acquisition Edit. Actually, Renegade and Paragon are both just different ways to roleplay Shepard.Renegade Shepard is a pragmatic, realistic hero, who is not afraid to make sacrifices for the greater good. Rila's last defiant line ("We are not your slaves!") Some of the renegade … Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. They are also rare enough that taking out just the monastery (and not all asari, since There's an argument that you don't have to be alive to become a banshee, so killing Falere makes no sense, as the Reapers would just make her corpse a banshee anyway.If that were true, why does Falere swear not to let the Reapers take her alive? Or letting the workers in the refinery die during Zaeed's loyalty mission in order to stop Vido, a dangerous man, from ever killing innocent people again. The rendezvous point is set on Nonuel, in the Plutus system of the Hades Gamma cluster.. Yet I've seen players responding to this choice as if Shepard were laughing maniacally when she pulls the trigger on Falere.

Like punching Manuel, punching that pyjak, or shoving that mercenary out the window, actions I always considered unnecessarily cruel. Why did Rila bother sacrificing herself? This is especially poignant if Samara has already killed Morinth (whose face is very sad right before her mother kills her).I used to wonder, "Why drag Falere out of the great hall if you're then presented with the option of killing her?" HubPagesCopyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners.As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. He's just too sweet for the logical badass I had created. And why did Samara put a gun to her own head?Killing Falere is a preventive strike against the Reapers, as it denies them one more powerful Reaper soldier.To be honest, though, the game is sort of wishy-washy about this. Other info: Punched out Manuel on Eden Prime. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. But according to the (slightly retconned) lore, Samara's three daughters are the only full-blown Ardat-Yakshi, alongside one other that was mentioned on a datapad. revan292 8 years ago #1. If you take Javik to Thessia, he mentions that—So for the safety of others, Falere should be killed. This is idealism to the extreme, as doing so is often a great risk and potentially endangers the lives of others.With that in mind, it's always the most fun to play as a mix and match of the two alignments: Paragade or Renegon.

Full Renegade, 1/3 Paragon, pretty much every situation resolved with the Renegade choice and just picked up freebie Paragon points where I could. Why did the asari bother trying to bomb the monastery? But for the most part? Mass Effect 3; Why do i have renegade scars? In For those who don't read the codex, this is largely the assumption.

And if you think ReneShep is "a socio-path beyond rationality" in ME1, it's even worse in ME3. Because Garrus is the only other person, regardless of species or sex, who was able to keep up with her.Without a reason that's mine, one fight is as good as any other. You can actually see her throw the gun away in disgust.In short, Renegade Shepard is not "evil" for killing Falere, as killing Falere is not pointless. Or killing Rana Thanoptis after she openly states that she's indoctrinated. Sexytimes with the … . Ash has an embarrassingly deep love of all things "Mass Effect." To me I just can't see Liara being with a Renegade Shepard, not so sure about Traynor, but I could see Garrus with a Renegade FemShep. And since when have the Reapers been known to waste resources?And even if the Reapers don't return, you are leaving Falere alone to possibly starve or freeze to death in a ruined monastery.Yes, there's an ending slide that shows Falere can survive her dismal time alone in what is essentially a graveyard, but Shepard I'm not arguing that the Renegade choice is the "right" choice.
She doesn't kill people unless doing so is necessary and contributes to saving even Some examples would include letting the hostages die over Terra Nova in order to stop Balak, a terrorist, from killing more people in the future. Maybe cheat on Kaidan in Mass Effect 1 with Garrus in Mass Effect 2, then stick with his romance in 3 and have him kill Kaidan at the Citadel Coup. Even imprisoning Falere would pose a threat, as the Reapers might attack the prison and turn her, unleashing her on innocent people.All Ardat-Yakshi and gene carriers should be purged during the Reaper War.

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