Doesn't always have to be negative.A person who is wise and street smart and someone who will take advantage of the situation be that both GOOD or bad.

Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update: A tiger one is always ready for everything and react when it's needed. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Usage Frequency: 2 Last Update: The Diccionario de americanismos has different meanings on tigre for Dominican Republic:II. TKO Eau D' Bedroom Dancing Deceptacon Phanta Tell You Now All Le Tigre lyrics. Persona muy hábil en alguna actividad.Trujillo, en un viaje a Estados Unidos, se enteró de que el pimpollo de los afiches era un tíguere domicano.Note the usage of 'tíguere' instead of 'tigre', which is also used “Tiguere” se utiliza para definir a una persona oportunista, tramposa o astuta, es aquel individuo que tiene un buen repertorio de habilidades para manejar muchas situaciones. II. Detailed answers to any questions you might have Top 5 Le Tigre songs.

1. m-f. Cu, RD, Co, Ve, Ec, Bo, Py, Ar; Ur, p.u.
Spanish Language Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled The Diccionario de americanismos has different meanings on tigre for Dominican Republic: tigre. A tigre or tiguere translates into:It depends on the context when you use the word tigre which I use a lot when talking among Dominicans. Usage Frequency: 2 Last Update:

Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update: Keep in mind that in slang, mainly in Spain but also in other countries, "el trigre" is also a way to refer the toilet, usually when it's not exactly a clean one. Another man dead i read it in the news. )It is also occasionally used with women ('tigra'), but not as often.The basic connotation of Tigre is the English version of a 'bad boy', 'bad ass', 'wise guy' or 'shark'. Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update: Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update:

Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update:

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