There does not appear to be any intellectual content to anything he says then some pearl-clutching middle aged white conservative whining. “After the Islamic State, even al-Qaeda appears ‘moderate’.”

Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. They stifle their ambitions.

As late Hitchens reminded: "what was asserted withI haven't seen any good or merely functional argument to support the idea that any god may actually exist or have existed and i really doubt that the alleged existence of any god can be morally defensable. Harris, a renowned critic of religion in his book I haven't seen any good or merely functional argument to support the idea that any god may actually exist or have existed and i really doubt that the alleged existence of any god can be morally defensable. These experts insist that we can never take Islamists and jihadists at their word and that none of their declarations about God, paradise, martyrdom, and the evils of apostasy have anything to do with their real motivations.” Nawaz is continually introducing truly fresh concepts and approaches, which are usually a hit or miss for me, but always valuable in one way or another.Sam Harris and Maajid Nawaz manage to tackle some very touchy subjects with amazing sophistication and aplomb while remaining intellectually honest about the specific issues in Islamic doctrine. Thank you Mr. Harris and Mr. Nawaz for your leadership with this enormously positive contribution. In my opinion Harris also has some explaining and placating to do; instead, he comes off as an immaculate representative of moral rectitude and rational standards, completely ignorinI liked this book for what is trying to achieve, and I admire and respect Nawaz's work and activism. “After the Islamic State, even al-Qaeda appears ‘moderate’.”

Here's one of my favorite excerpts from Nawaz:An interesting read.

“Is not winning the war more important than truth? "Islam and the Future of Tolerance" is a concise, nuanced and above all, civil, dialogue that encourages further discussion on one of the greatest challenges liberal democracies are and will be facing in the future : the specter of Islamist extremism. When one asks what the motivations of Islamists and jihadists actually are, one encounters a tsunami of liberal delusion. His personal story is riveting and his project is one of the few hopeful developments – at least that I’ve heard of – toward seeing a future free from Islamist Jihadism, and all other forms of religious violent imposition and coercion. While they rightly question every aspect of their “own” Western culture in the name of progress, they censure liberal Muslims who attempt to do so within Islam, and they choose to side instead with every regressive reactionary in the name of “cultural authenticity” and anticolonialism. My body is convulsing in revulsion against my commands.” Your religion is your business, and my religion, or lack of one, is mine. Welcome back. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of These communities end up in self-segregated “Muslim areas” where the only thing their members aspire to is being tin-pot community leaders, like ghetto chieftains.

Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue. Curiously,” You can only be so logical and rational before you start sounding cuckoo.This slim book, a relatively fast read, documented an interesting dialogue between staunch atheist Sam Harris and former Muslim radical Maajid Nawaz. There’s a difference between what’s happening in Iraq with the so-called Islamic State’s attempted genocide of the Yazidi community and how Gandhi acted in India. Welcome back. They cut them out of the system entirely, because there’s no aspiration left. There was confusion over whether to define our activism as a cultural identity, an ideology or a faith. The “fellow-travelers” fetishize these “Muslim” ghettos in the name of “cultural authenticity” and identity politics, and the ghetto chieftains are often the leading errand boys for them.

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