Whether it's Easter eggs, bunnies, baskets or egg hunts - there are lots of different ways people celebrate Easter around the world. Is Easter on the same date in Africa as it is in the other countries Easter is celebrated on the same day in Africa as it is in other parts of the world.

Here’s how seven different countries celebrate this holiday! They are also an endangered species and so through this campaign, the foundation hopes to educate the public on how to protect these animals.While most of France celebrates Easter the same way, with the traditional Easter meals and egg hunts, in the Southern town of Haux they like to do things a bit differently. Easier Said in English than Done... Is the Hardest Language to Learn Worth Learning?The Best Russian Movies in Their Original Version For Learning RussianHow to Use English Linking Words | English Grammar Hacks [VIDEO]Which Language Should I Learn? This omelet is made using more than 4,000 fresh eggs and can feed up to 1,000 people. Pick One of The 7 Most Useful Languages They get to eat their pancakes! In the USA, Easter is celebrated both in religious ways (with churches holding services) and in secular ways, with egg hunts, parades (like the New York Bonnet Parade), and visits from t he Easter Bunny. The Easter holiday is such a popular time for Norwegians to read these novels, that it isn’t uncommon for authors to put out special Easter thrillers known as ‘paaskerrimmen.’ It is believed that this tradition first began back in 1923 when a publisher took out an ad in the local newspaper to promote his new book. While most of us associate eggs, bunnies, and turkeys with Easter celebration, there is a lot more to it, and it’s all tied up with language and culture. While Easter in places such as the United States and Canada may be synonym with Easter egg hunts and visits from the Easter bunny, in different places around the globe the Easter holiday looks a whole lot different. The cart used in this practice is pulled through the streets by a pair of white oxen and is filled with fireworks and pyrotechnics. the spot in which Jesus Christ was buried.Also popular in Slovakia, this Easter tradition is one that is much more enjoyable for the men of the Czech Republic and not so much for the women. Easter is a very special time of the year in many different cultures around the world. For this reason, in 1991, the Anti-Rabbit Research Foundation pitched a campaign to get rid of the Easter bunny and to replace it with a bilby instead. This ancient tradition is meant to be a sign of peace and happiness in the upcoming year.Also a popular tradition in Sweden, these Scandinavian countries celebrate Easter in a similar fashion to Halloween. Once the cart arrives at the Duomo cathedral, it is then ignited using a dove-shaped rocket, meant to represent the Holy Spirit, resulting in a spectacular firework display for the spectators. The holiday celebrated in early October in German-speaking countries may not exactly qualify as “Thanksgiving,” but the idea is similar. On Easter Sunday, pilgrims will then attend a church service at the Garden Tomb. This special dance is believed to bring good luck and to chase away the spirits of winter in preparation for the spring season ahead. Keep reading to learn how people coming from different parts of the world celebrate it and how they wish each other a “Happy Easter”. The willow tree is the first tree to bloom in the spring therefore according to an ancient legend, these branches used to whip the women are thought to transfer the willow trees’ vitality and fertility to the woman.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Here, you won’t find any Easter eggs or chocolate bunnies but rather people using the day to remember Jesus. There are many customs and Easter traditions celebrated around the world. It is also thought that this custom is derived from the Venetians who throw out all of their old stuff on New Years Day to welcome new beginnings in the upcoming year.Probably one of the strangest Easter traditions on this list, is that of Norway’s. Around the world, different cultures, countries, communities, and sects have their own traditions to celebrate the Easter holiday. From that point on, the tradition of reading these crime novels during Easter just kind of stuck with the locals.Though not practiced everywhere in the country, many regions of England celebrate the holiday with a traditional folk dance known as Morris dancing. After all, this holiday has existed for about two millennia and it’s had plenty of time to morph and grow in different ways in different places. Each year the omelet has been getting bigger and bigger. USA. Known as ‘pot throwing’, this practice takes place on the morning of Holy Saturday and involves citizens of the island throwing earthenware such as pots and pans out of their windows, smashing into a million tiny pieces onto the street below. This practice is also a common thing in other countries such as the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Poland, and Austria.Bunnies are a huge part of the more commercialized version of Easter and can be found everywhere in all shapes and sizes and are even believed to be the creatures that bring children treats on Easter. This tradition known as ‘scoppio del carro’ or ‘explosion of the cart’ takes place each year on Easter Sunday in the city center of Florence. On Good Friday, many Christians in Israel choose to travel to Jerusalem, where it is believed that Jesus was crucified, to walk the path that he took to get to the spot where he would then be nailed to the cross. Undoubtedly one of the most colorful festivals in the world, Holi is celebrated by Hindus across Northern India. Another popular Easter tradition in England and that is actually now recognized worldwide is egg jarping. Here on Easter, children dress as witches, walking around wearing long skirts, headscarves, and painted faces, where they then go door to door begging their neighbors for chocolate eggs and sweets.

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