En 1900, un autre scientifique, nommé Hugo Vires, prôna la reconnaissance des lois de Mendel, tout en inventant les mots "génétique", "gène" et "allèle".

Gregor Johann Mendel est né le 20 juillet 1822 dans l'ancien empire autrichien, dans la ville de Heinzendorf. He founded genetics by his work cross-breeding pea plants.He discovered dominant and recessive characters from the crosses he performed on the plants in his greenhouse.What he learnt is known today as Mendelian inheritance. For eight years, he carefully crossbred and grew thousands of pea plants, and patiently analyzed and compared the plants and seeds for difference in colour and size of the seeds, and variations in length of the plants. Despite suffering from deep bouts of depression that, more than once, caused him to temporarily abandon his studies, Mendel graduated from the program in 1843.That same year, against the wishes of his father, who expected him to take over the family farm, Mendel began studying to be a monk: He joined the Augustinian order at the St. Thomas Monastery in Brno, and was given the name Gregor. Johann Mendel naît le 20 ou 22 juillet 1822 [1] à Heinzendorf (Hynčice, district de Nový Jičín), petit village de Moravie, dans une famille de paysans. Unlike Nestler, who studied hereditary traits in sheep, Mendel used the common edible pea Gregor Mendel, known as the "father of modern genetics," was born in Austria in 1822. Gregor Mendel was an Austrian scientist and monk credited with being the father of modern genetics for his pioneering work in the study of heredity. At that time, the monastery was a cultural center for the region, and Mendel was immediately exposed to the research and teaching of its members, and also gained access to the monastery’s extensive library and experimental facilities.In 1849, when his work in the community in Brno exhausted him to the point of illness, Mendel was sent to fill a temporary teaching position in Znaim. From then on he ceased to be Johann Mendel and became Gregor Mendel. https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/gregor-mendel-3786.php

To explain this phenomenon, Mendel coined the terms "The profound significance of Mendel's work was not recognized until the turn of the 20th century (more than three decades later) with the rediscovery of his laws.He became a monk in part because it enabled him to obtain an education without having to pay for it himself.When Mendel entered the Faculty of Philosophy, the Department of Natural History and Agriculture was headed by After he was elevated as abbot in 1868, his scientific work largely ended, as Mendel became overburdened with administrative responsibilities, especially a dispute with the civil government over its attempt to impose special taxes on religious institutions.Gregor Mendel, who is known as the "father of modern genetics", was inspired by both his professors at the Palacký University, Olomouc (After initial experiments with pea plants, Mendel settled on studying seven traits that seemed to be inherited independently of other traits: seed shape, flower color, seed coat tint, pod shape, unripe pod color, flower location, and plant height. However, the results of such studies were often skewed by the relatively short period of time during which the experiments were conducted, whereas Mendel’s research continued over as many as eight years (between 1856 and 1863), and involved tens of thousands of individual plants.Mendel chose to use peas for his experiments due to their many distinct varieties, and because offspring could be quickly and easily produced. He was also the first to study color blindness.Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist best known for developing the theories and techniques of psychoanalysis.French physicist Pierre Curie was one of the founding fathers of modern physics and is best known for being a pioneer in radioactive studies.Charles Henry Turner, a zoologist and scholar, was the first person to discover that insects can hear and alter behavior based on previous experience.British astrophysicist, scholar and trailblazer Jocelyn Bell Burnell discovered the space-based phenomena known as pulsars, going on to establish herself as an esteemed leader in her field.Austrian composer and conductor Gustav Mahler became popular in the late 19th century for his emotionally charged and subtly orchestrated symphonies.Gregor Mendel was an Austrian monk who discovered the basic principles of heredity through experiments in his garden. Johann a fréquenté une école préparatoire appelée Gymnase où sa promesse académique a été reconnue par le prêtre local. The increased responsibilities prevented him from conducting any further scientific experiments.Gregor Mendel’s works failed to gain much importance during his lifetime, but formed the foundation for what is today known as Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance.Mendel through his extensive experimentation and analysis founded the three laws or principles of inheritance: The law of segregation, the law of dominance, and the law of independent assortment.He developed the concepts of dominant and recessive genes that explain how genetic traits are passed along from generation to generation.His 1865 paper ‘Experiments on Plant Hybridization’ which was largely ignored during his lifetime is today regarded as the base of genetic experimentation.As a young man he had very close and loving relations with his parents.

His experiments in breeding different varieties of peas illustrated laws of heredity and genetics, which later proved highly influential in the development of new strains of plants and animals. Décrit la migration aléatoire des chromosomes Ce que cette loi proposait était que lors de la formation des gamètes (cellules reproductrices des êtres vivants), Cette loi est aussi appelée loi de transmission des caractères indépendants. He also took due precaution to prevent accidental pollination by insects.

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