He would surely have a field day with our current crop of politicians. However, if the EU believes the UK will never leave transition without a trade deal, then paradoxically, it has little incentive to offer one. You need to be a subscriber to join the conversation. Photo: Olivier Hoslet / Pool / AFP via Getty Images But the chances of such a deal happening are much higher if the EU knows that there is a firm deadline to negotiations. Critically, the CBP polling shows that as many as 35% of the voters who switched from Labour to the Conservatives in the 2019 election would be less likely to vote Conservative in the event of an extension, a point which will not have escaped the notice of Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings.As a result, it looks like we will be heading into the autumn with the pressure on both sides to complete a deal to an absolute and final deadline of the 31David Paton is Professor of Industrial Economics at Nottingham University Business School.Sign up to our popular email briefing to get the most interesting stories from CapX and the wider web delivered direct to your inbox.
The enthusiasm for such deals is likely to diminish quickly if they are delayed by transition extension.Of course, it would be preferable also to have a deal to allow continued low-friction trade with the EU. Read our community guidelines in full Much better from their point of view to keep the UK under their regulatory control for as long as possible.Now it may be the case that, perhaps for political reasons, the EU has no real intention of agreeing a mutually beneficial deal unless the UK agrees to subject itself to EU rules. Written by Prof. David Paton The BBC wrongly contradicted the US Ambassador’s claim that the USA had an outstanding record on food health. The Telegraph values your comments but kindly requests all posts are on topic, constructive and respectful. David Paton is a Professor of Industrial Economics at Nottingham University Business School and a member of Economists for Free Trade and Labour Leave.

And so we face yet another Brexit-related deadline, this time the June 30 date by which any extension would have to be agreed. A no-deal Brexit is an essential negotiating strategy and may even boost the economy Professor David Paton 18 October 2017 x Subscribe to our fortnightly newsletter.

One of the biggest problems caused by the anguished Brexit process has been the uncertainty faced by businesses and potential investors. The government […] They elected Boris largely to “get Brexit done” and new polling done for the Centre for Brexit Policy suggests they voters in these seats haven’t changed their mind, with 51% of Red Wall voters saying there should be no extension. The government has now formally ruled out an extension, which means the possibility of the UK leaving transition without a trade deal is very real.The conventional wisdom is that leaving without a trade deal will hit exports, economic growth and jobs and, coming on top of the economic hit due to coronavirus, many businesses will not be able to cope. Brexit Bulletin promotion - end of article Related Topics A transition extension would not solve any of the underlying issues, rather it would put them off for a year till we face another deadline. And so we face yet another Brexit-related deadline, this time the June 30 date by which any extension would have to be agreed.

Fortunately, the British public are unlikely to be taken in and today's stellar unemployment figures illustrate why.During the referendum, Chancellor George Osborne promised us that Brexit would result in economic Armageddon in the two years following a leave vote - rampant inflation, immediate recession and Well yesterday, the ONS reported that unemployment has gone down again and is now at a record low. Presumably the hope was that, once the withdrawal agreement was dead, MPs would choose to stop Brexit completely. In fact, preparing for a "no deal" Brexit makes it much more likely we will end up leaving with the best deal possible of all.We rely on advertising to help fund our award-winning journalism.We urge you to turn off your ad blocker for The Telegraph website so that you can continue to access our quality content in the future.To watch The Telegraph's latest video content please visit William Hazlitt said hypocrisy is the only unforgivable vice.

The mood music from negotiators Michel Barnier and David Frost does little to suggest that the EU and UK will agree a trade deal by the end of the year. The problem though is that if we take no deal off the table, the EU then have every incentive to offer the worst deal possible to the UK in which we are tied forever to EU rules and regulations but without having a say.
Brexit fearmongers are WRONG - banks will COME to UK not leave, says top economist BRITAIN’S banks passing the Bank of England's annual stress test is a huge boost for Brexit … David Paton (born 29 October 1949, Edinburgh, Scotland) is a Scottish bassist, guitarist and singer.

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