(b) The affective component of social attitude refers to the emotional aspect of the attitude which is very often a deep rooted component and resists most to change. Attitudes determine ones personality.A person can be called good or bad, sociable or unsociable, acceptable or unacceptable depending upon his attitude. (i) Theoretical (ii) Economic (iii) Aesthetic (iv) Social (v) Political (vi) Religious.Those who always desire to discover the reasons and truth behind everything come under this category. They judge people on the basis of their earning capacity.
While attitudes are enduring, they can also change. Children and adults form attitudes very often based on suggestions and second hand experiences. Attitudes are often the result of experience or upbringing, and they can have a powerful influence over behavior. Attitudes help in expressing these values. This chapter also includes a discussion of the historical foundations of modern persuasion research.This encyclopedia entry provides a quick and concise glance at the topic. Social psychologists have also maintained their applied interests with contributions in health and environmental psychology, as well as the psychology of the legal system.

In case of social attitudes one is taught to hold a particular attitude towards an attitudinal objects like “Mama says not to play with girls” or blacks. Externalization is fulfilled by attitudes that defend the self against internal conflict. But when an object or person stands on the way of his need satisfaction, unfavourable attitude develops towards it.In his routine behaviour he never shows the matured direction of attitude. Attitude theory is not generally grounded upon empirical research -as is shown by the paucity of knowledge about attitudes, and by the unverified views of attitudes incorporated into many definitions. The need for cognitive consistency, meaning and clarity is fulfilled by the knowledge function of attitude.The ego defensive function of attitude provides protection against the knowledge and acceptance of basic unpleasant truths about disease, death, weakness, insecurity, frustration, unemployment, illness and various other harsh realities of life.By rationalizing and distorting attitudes on the above harsh realities of life the ego tries to defend itself and lead a happy life by avoiding unpleasantness arising out of these unpleasant truths. Despite its key position in social psychology the concept of attitude is marked by considerable confusion. Topics include the distinction between attitude formation and change, single- and dual-process models, dissonance theory, majority and minority influence, attitude strength, emotional influences, and attitude-behavior consistency.Maio, G. R., and G. Haddock. The individual gets satisfaction by expression of attitudes appropriate to his personal values.Religious, ideological and patriotic beliefs and values normally are based on this function.
Attitudes play an important role in predicting how an individual will behave in a particular situation.Knowing the content of an attitude is important, because attempts to change attitudes are more successful when the persuasive appeal matches the content of the attitude. Attitudes are formed with respect to situations, persons or groups with which individual comes in contact in course of the growth and development of his personality.Once they are formed, they put the pressure that the individual reacts in a specific or characteristics way to these or related situations, persons or groups. They are lovers of power. For example, research has demonstrated that ambivalent attitudes are less likely to predict behavior. For example, bad golfers might develop an intense dislike for the game because their poor performance threatens their self-esteem.In his own program of research, Daniel Katz proposed four attitude functions: knowledge, utility, ego-defense, and value-expression. There is a diversity of meanings attached to the term by different theorists. Thus, the attitude develops both through direct and indirect sources.6. If most of the people in a particular society do not like to take dowry, this is considered as a common attitude.The name itself is explanatory. 2007. Since measurement of attitude can lead to systematic understanding of the development, determinant and change of attitude as well as it helps in the measurement of public opinion, it has tremendous importance in social distance.1. They are linked with feelings and emotions like pleasant, unpleasant, fear, love. After a brief overview, the entry covers the various themes in attitudes research, attitude formation, the impact of attitudes on behavior and cognition, and attitude strength. For example, a person might cycle to work because he or she values health and wishes to preserve the environment.Among the functions, the object-appraisal function is especially important because it is the capacity of attitudes to serve as energy-saving devices that make judgments easier and faster to perform. 2010. The cognitive component developing during the perceptual stage makes attitude relatively permanent. The directive properties or attitude make our goal purposive and direct our behaviour.5. Conversely, the opinions of others also impact our behavior and the way we view ourselves. help in the formation of attitude, studies of Compball, Gurin and Miller support the above view. Attitude is never neutral. As the child gets maturity by power, prestige, recognition, social approval, rewards and punishment, he gradually attends to the social world.Frame of reference and reference groups often help in supporting or rejecting a particular value, norm or standard. This is otherwise called attitude in a wider sense.

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