DirectX: Version 11. You can even ride a dodo if you want. System requirements Lab runs millions of PC requirements tests on over 6,000 games a month.Attempt to survive in an alien world in Ark: Survival Evolved. Additionally it has Mac and Linux versions. Looking for an upgrade? What's your user review score for ARK: Survival Evolved? Graphics score reflects how great the visuals are for this pc game.

You’ll need to worry about food, clothing and shelter, but also lots and lots of dinosaurs and extinct creatures.
Can I Run it? ARK: Survival Evolved system requirements, ARK: Survival Evolved minimum requirements and recommended requirements, Can you run ARK: Survival Evolved, specs Check the ARK: Survival Evolved system requirements. OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8. Official Minimum Requirements. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members.Value score reflects how much enjoyment this pc game delivers compared to how much it costs.

Graphics: DirectX11 Compatible GPU with 1 GB Video RAM. Where does ARK: Survival Evolved rank in the list of the most demanding games? Want to use Try our easy to use ARK: Survival Evolved set up guides to find the best, cheapest cards. PC System Analysis For ARK: Survival Evolved Requirements It’s recommended that you have an Intel Core i5-3470/AMD FX-8350 and a GeForce GTX 660/Radeon HD 7870. System Requirements Lab may earn affiliate commissions from qualifying purchases via Amazon Associates and other programs You can hunt them, or turn them into steeds. Processor: 2 GHz Dual-Core 64-bit CPU. Stranded on an island, naked and without the tools to survive, you must use your skill and cunning to carve out an existence on an island overflowing with dinosaurs and primeval beasts. ARK: Survival Evolved vs Avg. Filter for ARK: Survival Evolved graphics card comparison and CPU compare. Powered by This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members.Alternative Game Tags: ark, survival evolved, ark: survival evolved, dinosaurs, ark survival, ark evolved,GD Tags: ark, survival evolved, ark: survival evolved, dinosaurs, ark survival, ark evolved, AAA Game System Requirements Test your specs and rate your gaming PC. ARK: Survival Evolved will run on PC system with Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions) and upwards. How well optimised is ARK: Survival Evolved for PC? Ark: Survival Evolved is a survival-type game coming to PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Hard Drive: 20000 MB available space. Copyright© 2020 Husdawg, LLC, All rights reserved. Memory: 4000 MB RAM. Lifespan score reflects how much gameplay this pc game has in it. It’s another week which means another awesome free game from the If your PC can pass the minimum system requirements test for ARK: Survival Evolved, then you should be able to run it on at least low-medium graphics with a solid FPS. In Ark: Survival Evolved you will have to hunt, craft items, build shelters, grow crops and even tame and ride dinosaurs. The system requirements are a little lower than If you want to run ARK: Survival Evolved on higher settings than the bare minimum, your PC needs to pass the recommended system requirements test.

Here are the ARK: Survival Evolved System Requirements (Minimum) Officially, the video card requirements do not change from minimum to recommended, but you should still have a modern video card that is above a GeForce GTX 670 or a This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members.Main Score reflects how great this pc game is on this platform.

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