For Argo already owns two of the jewels, and possession of the third would give her unqualified power.I've been reading a lot of fairly abstracted stuff lately, so it was actually totally refreshing to read something composed of pretty much straight narrative by a deft storyteller. Made me wonder if It amazes me that this is a first novel from Delany as it shows what an incredible writer he was, producing something that would be a fine work at the pinnacle of someone's career.
Published He was one of the first successful African-American science fiction authors, as well as one of the first openly gay SF writers, and certainly the most successful person so far to be both.

It's interesting to see how his fascination with jewels, reflections, etc. 0575071001 I found the story confusing. However, I read this after having read his huge novel Dhalgren, so with a rather different perspective on the novel than those who read it blind or when it first came out.

"You think of a bird singing and you think thoughts that men have been thinking for thousands upon thousands of years. Everything about it was messy. After the characters are introduced, the chapters feel very episodic - mostly self contained, but adding a little more information to the world. It's never fully in one camp or the other, and that's part of the charm.

He travels with a strange passenger, a priestess of the goddess Argo, who is heading toward a mysterious land of mutants and high radiation, called Aptor. Subtlety and complexity are arguably undermined somewhat by all the swordfights-with-bat-people and radioactive ameoboic masses that he would later lean much less heavily on, but it's still pretty brisk and well-imagined material, staying clear, at least of the more obvious and annoying cliches of the time and genre.As his debut, this novel is not as polished or philosophical as Delany's later material.
Think Forerunner Foray or Witch World.

It's lots of fun and the characters and motivations are interesting. Reads a bit like a DnD quest but in a fun, fast and enjoyable way. Even at age 20, when this debut was published, Delany has a fully satisfying storytelling voice and plot-sense. by Gollancz With this precious stone Argo may defeat the malign forces gathered against her and the land of Leptor. Starts out rather conventionally (I initially thought it was going to be a ship-based sort of adventure fantasy) but once they arrive in Aptor, things get weird. But, as the group presses deep into the enigmatic heart of Aptor, easy distinctions between good and evil blur, and somehow the task seems less straightforward. Made me wonder if You can definitely tell this is one of Delany's earlier works.

Which was a very enjoyable combination. Delany was that rare author with the brilliant idea to marry an editor, thus helping to grease the wheels for this novel written at age 19. It's biggest fault is in moving too quickly, leaving things for the reader to catch up to. Noté /5. Incarnations of Goddess and Gods run around, advanced technology left over from an apocalyptically ruined world looks like magic, telepathy, mutants, evil priests, and young adventurers. It is not a great novel, but the willingness to jump in and grapple with philosophical ideas foreshadows Delany's later work.

I don't care if that's what you want to do, but it's still icky, and I really don't want to read about it.) This one bogs down a bit in conveying its central point, but thrills with its images of a post-apocalyptic ruin on a tropical island. We’d love your help.

It's a fun little adventure with a little theology and brain science thrown in. However, I read this after having read his huge novel Dhalgren, so with a rather different perspective on the novel than those who read it blind or when it first came out. Delany was that rare author with the brilliant idea to marry an editor, thus helping to grease the wheels for this novel written at age 19.

I liked this more than Dan Simmons' first novel, Song of Kali, but not nearly as much as Malzberg's triumphant debut, Oracle of a Thousand Hands.

The blob monster seemed especially innovative.This piece of Delany juvenilia reminds me above all of Andre Norton's sciencefictional fantasy. He shows himself to be a master of prose, really managing to evoke the situations and world beautifully, whilst exploring interesting ideas of the world passed.Samuel Ray Delany, also known as "Chip," is an award-winning American science fiction author.

In a few ways, this reads like a Delany novel. As serious bookworms know, autumn reading is particularly rewarding. He was one of the first successful African-American science fiction authors, as well as one of the first openly gay SF writers, and certainly the most successful person so far to be both. It's interesting to see how his fascination with jewels, reflections, etc. Reputedly one of the greats of the genre and I've only now gotten around to trying one of his works. Poets have written of it in every language, Catullus in Latin, Keats in English, Li Po in Chinese, Darnel 2X4 in New English." I do not think this was a great introduction to Delany.

It's biggest fault is in moving too quickly, leaving things for the reader to catch up to. The journey is presumably made to recapture a young priestess of Argo: her daughter (her little sister in the Ace Double version), who has been kidnapped by the forces of the dark god Hama.

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There weren't really good guys or bad guys, but it was all very convulted, also something than can be rare in fantasy. In this piece the narrative is clunky, and the characters motivations unclear. This book is an interesting blend of fantasy and science fiction, in both style and plot, but what stands out - as it did in Dhalgren - is the fantastic language in it. I first read it when I was about 17 years old and for some reason didn’t like it. It's hard not to compare this to what Delany would later become and if you read this after say Dhalgren or Stars in My Pocket of Grains of Sand, expecting more like that, you will not be satisfied.

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