Before your little bundle of joy arrives, you’re responsible for helping them grow in a nurturing, healthy environment.This list of pregnancy do’s and don’ts can shed some light on what you should worry about — and what you really shouldn’t fret over.These vitamins assist with proper development of the fetus and help prevent birth defects. Cats get it by eating dirt and raw meat (usually rodents).Cleaning the cat litter can't figure high on many women's 'chores I enjoy' list, so pregnancy is a good excuse to get out of it. next page has a list of pregnancy Don’ts. Most women can continue working during pregnancy. The chemicals are used to make plastics longer-lasting and more flexible.Ask your employer to do a risk assessment, particularly if your work involves using solvents. Learn which ones you should follow for a healthy pregnancy and baby. For this reason, if you do have to have an x-ray which can't be delayed, the dentist may cover your abdomen with a lead apron.Cat faeces can carry a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, an infection that isn't serious for you but can be for your baby. During your first trimester, you only need about By your third trimester, that additional calorie number is closer to 300 per day.Pet your furry friend all you like and wash your hands afterward — but don’t clean a cat’s litter box.Feline waste is filled with millions of bacteria and parasites. Your baby is currently a collection of cells called a blastocyst. To reduce your intake, try substituting your daily cuppas with decaffeinated options or herbal teas. Your body is preparing itself to house a rapidly growing baby for the next several months. Working during pregnancy isn't always easy. So I’m 3-4 weeks pregnant and I was spotting and I went to the doctor they said I was dehydrated and need to drink more water but I’m scared and I want to know could it be the uti pillsI'm 4 weeks pregnant, I have cramps and pains on my legs arms, waist ,stomach and back pain and headaches.My stomach is making noise like when u r hungry I'm scared I may miscarryHi last period on 2/5/20 always 28 day cycle alway normal now tts 3/9/20 6 days past my expected period just see light pink spottYou might be pregnant dear, do a home pregnancy test to be sure.Light pink spotting is usually what they call implantation bleeding: it means you’re fertilized egg is attaching itself to your womb!Kindly anybody share the exact symptoms on your nearest periods dates and early pregnancy symptoms...will it be same...I'm trying for a baby but I have all usual pre-menus symptoms ...I was suppose to get my period February 1st and it never came so decided to take a pregnancy test and it came back positive yay but 5 days after I realized I was spotting but it was only for a day. Now we know that’s just not the case. All rights reserved. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. My wife had her period on April 13th 2020. This page covers the evidence-based recommendations from midwives of things to do and not do in pregnancy. The dangers of being bitten by mosquitoes while abroad, however, outweigh the risks of the insect spray. If something has a strong chemical pong, it can't do you harm not to linger – good news for anyone who's dreading painting the hall ceiling or cleaning the mould off the grout in the bathroom. At this early stage, you might not notice much going on with your body. Try eating whole foods, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and, if you aren’t already, start taking a While you shouldn’t worry, it’s important to know that The best way to gauge what’s going on is to keep an eye on yourself and speak with your doctor about the symptoms you’re experiencing. Take regular sips, and don't wait until you're thirsty to drink. Take naps in the daytime if possible and if not, catch up by heading to bed early in the evening.It's worth remembering that unborn babies are remarkably hardy – if they weren't, the human race would long since have dwindled into extinction.Women in France don’t give up smelly cheese, women in Japan continue to nibble sushi – and all over the world women who had no idea they were pregnant have dyed their hair, sipped G&Ts and lifted heavy objects, and still given birth to perfectly healthy babies. At UPMC, our healthcare providers want to ensure you have a healthy pregnancy. What may have worked or been a problem for someone else might not apply in your situation. Most of these can be summed with one simple sentence: Take care of yourself. Amazingly your tiny dot already has some of its own blood vessels and blood is starting to circulate.

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